
Get to know our volunteer manager, Dionne.

Posted on February 20th, 2020

Meet Dionne, the behind-the-scenes engine that keeps the volunteer department running.

As the volunteer manager and a member of the Child Advocates team for 13 years, Dionne Jones makes sure every potential, new and existing volunteer has a top-notch experience. From answering online inquiries to reviewing applications and making sure each new CASA is signed up for training and ongoing education, Dionne does it all—and she loves the fast-paced, rewarding work.

“I love meeting new people on almost a daily basis, whether it’s in person or via a string of email communications,” said Dionne. “I help ensure that we bring forth Volunteer Advocates that are qualified, committed and fully trained to be efficient and effective advocates for foster-youth.”

And while Dionne is, without a doubt, great at what she does, for her the work is personal. She often thinks about herself as a child growing up in the foster care system and how different her circumstances might have been if only she and her sister had someone to the be their voice.

“I honestly never knew or understood why we kept being removed from my biological mother’s house,” said Dionne. “It wasn’t until I started working at Child Advocates in 2007 that I intellectually realized that my biological mother’s parental rights must have been legally terminated.”

Sadly, Dionne never understood the chaos happening around her during her childhood because she didn’t have an adult whose sole purpose was to listen to her wants, needs, best interests, and most importantly, to be her voice. And for Dionne, that’s something she believes every child should have.

“As a former foster youth who didn’t have someone speaking or advocating on behalf of my sister and me, I truly believe in the work that Child Advocates staff and CASA Volunteers do,” said Dionne. “Working here gives me peace in knowing that there are staff and volunteers that really do care about children and will do everything within their power and ability to ensure that the mission of Child Advocates is fulfilled.”

Her passion for child advocacy is quite evident and very contagious. In fact, she admits to being “that person” in a crowd who boasts about how much she loves her job. Which, of course, is just one of the many reasons she’s perfectly suited to guide our volunteers along the process of becoming and being the voice for children who need them.

When she’s not busy helping out CASA volunteers, Dionne enjoys spending time with her family, reading books and watching educational documentaries. Her favorite quote is: “There are two things we should give our children: One is roots and the other is wings.”