
Our Kids. Our Cases. Meet Jenny

Posted on April 24th, 2017

At only two weeks old, baby Jenny suffered a severe stroke due to an untreated illness, causing permanent brain damage and the need for lifelong medical care.

At home with her mother, Jenny did not receive the specialized medical care she needed. Her daycare center called Child Protective Services (CPS) when she was two and a half years old to report Jenny was dirty, covered in flea bites with her eyes matted shut and her ears draining infected fluid. She had untreated re-flux, was much too small for her age and could not crawl or walk. Jenny’s mother, a young mother of five caught in a web of drugs and relationship problems, had missed key medical appointments, disregarded medical advice and left Jenny in an infant seat all day. At two and a half years old, Jenny was functioning on the level of a five month old. CPS intervened.

You can be her voice, her shield, her champion.

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