
Our Kids. Our Cases. Meet Tyler.

Posted on October 19th, 2017

The following story is true; though names and specific details have been altered in order protect the privacy of our children.

Every day in Marion County more than 10 children are victims of abuse and neglect. These are their stories.

Tyler (9 years old) was in the living room playing video games alone. Tyler’s father, Mark, approached him and asked to join the video game. Tyler’s father walked away, came back moments later, and was upset he was taking so long to finish his game. Tyler’s father began yelling at him and told him to turn the video game off.

Tyler asked his father if he had been drinking alcohol. Mark denied drinking alcohol and became irate. Tyler told his father, “this is why I don’t like coming here”. Tyler’s father then picked him up by his arm and leg and threw him down on the couch. Tyler’s father then jumped on top of Tyler and began choking him. Tyler tried getting his father off of him by moving his body and kicking his legs. Tyler’s father stopped choking him and grabbed his arms to drag him up the stairs.

Tyler was able to get away from his father at this point, and barricaded himself in his bedroom to call the police.
When the police arrived, Tyler stated similar incidents have happened before. The police observed red marks on his neck and collar bone. His father was subsequently arrested and charged with battery and strangulation, and a protective order was instated against his father.

Children like Tyler need a voice, someone who will advocate for their best interest.

You can be his voice, his shield, his champion. Become a volunteer advocate.

Saving lives starts here and now. Child Advocates. Your Voice. Their Future.