
Our Kids. Our Cases. Ruby & Dylan.

Posted on December 19th, 2017

The following story is true; though names and specific details have been altered in order protect the privacy of our children.

Every day in Indianapolis more than 10 children are victims of abuse and neglect. These are their stories.

Ruby and Dylan Simpson do a lot of home school activities and outings, but the educational component of the program is lacking. Ruby and Dylan are both behind academically. 

Their mother has mental health issues. Mrs. Simpson has post-par tum depression, post-par tum anxiety, and border line personality disorder. Mrs. Simpson has been prescribed medication to address these mental issues, but is believed to have stopped taking the medications cold turkey within this last week. Mrs. Simpson has been having health problems recently and sometimes cannot get out of the bed.

Inside their home is a mess. It is cluttered and covered in filth. Large amounts of bugs cover the door trim and walls throughout the home. The kitchen is not accessible. The home is cold and without heat. Mrs. Simpson admitted to the home conditions being in this state for about a year.

Ruby and Dylan have been removed from their home and are currently in the protective custody of the state. They need a voice and someone who will advocate for their best interest.

You can help. Become a CASA volunteer and be a voice for children like Ruby and Dylan.

Volunteer Now. Child Advocates: Your Voice. Their Future.