
Staff Advocate goes on Fantastic Voyage

Posted on May 2nd, 2017

For almost 10 years, Staff Advocate Andrea Manning- Dudley has been serving foster youth in Indianapolis. She was recently a recipient of the United Way Renewal Grant which goes to individuals who have been working in social work for 8+ years.

As part of her renewal grant, Andrea went on the Tom Joyner Cruise – which supports the Tom Joyner Foundation. This foundation supports historical black colleges and universities all over the United States.

Speaking about the cruise Andrea said, “It was everything that people say it is. It was a lot of fun and it has spoiled me from wanting to take any other cruises. The entertainment was fabulous. To be able to relax and enjoy yourself – all while knowing you’re supporting youth – was such a rewarding experience.”

We are thankful for you Andrea & are so happy you had such a wonderful experience. You deserve it!