
How You and Our Youth Can Interrupt Racism | Podcast Episode 20

Posted on July 28th, 2023

“There’s a push to stop the conversations–to stop educating people. Why don’t we want to share knowledge? Some people who attend our race equity workshops ask, “Why has this information been kept from me?”

That’s part of a powerful podcast conversation about racism, its history and impact, and the national movement against race equity and diversity programs.

Hear from some of our leaders and listen to the wisdom of our youth as they discuss their experience with racism and its impact, and how our “Interrupting Racism for Children” workshops or youth programs have given them a voice and enriched their lives.

Want to help us fight racism to build a better future for every child? Listen to our podcast, “Your Voice. Their Future.”




  • Why Child Advocates started “Interrupting Racism for Children” workshops more than a dozen years ago and why and how they have grown
  • Who attends these ‘no shame, no blame’ workshops
  • Why our now-retired CEO, Cindy Booth, says, “I’ve never been good about having people tell me what to do…” in relation to our race equity program
  • Our concerns about the current racial climate in America and its impact on our children
  • We examine why there is a national push to shut down programs on race equity and diversity, equity, and inclusion, its impact on those programs, and what propels us to ‘never stop’
  • How Jill English, our Chief of Community, Equity, and Inclusion, says every single system, from government, sports, banks, and more, has contributed to disparities in our nation…and it didn’t start with the children
  • Why you can’t move forward with backward thinking…
  • Why some who attend our race equity workshops are angry…and it may *not* be for the reasons you expect
  • What epiphany Cindy, as a white woman, had about race and racism when an attendee spoke at an early workshop and how it opened Cindy’s eyes to what Black people often face
  • One of our podcast guests, Anna, a bi-racial college student, discusses how racism impacts her and the people she loves but in particular her Black father
  • Anna talks about why she sometimes feels she ‘doesn’t belong’ and why it was sometimes hard growing up because of people’s microaggressions, colorism, or racist stereotypes
  • Anna discusses the generational trauma of racism on our health
  • Anna admits that when youth look at all the nation’s systemic problems, they sometimes feel hopeless
  • Anna talks about the impact of being a part of our youth group, “Youth Against Racial Injustice” and the lessons she is learning about our race history
  • Brandon, a recent high school graduate, and a young Black man, discusses his experiences with racism and what he has learned about our history through our “Interrupting Racism for Children” youth workshops
  • Brandon talks about how some children struggle to even imagine the experiences Black and brown people have, and how that can contribute to them being misinformed
  • Brandon shares some painful stereotypes he has heard some youths say about Black people and how he has seen some scenarios play out in school
  • Brandon shares how he sees our racist history repeating itself in some aspects today with some of the things people continue to believe and say
  • Why Anna and Brandon think young people should engage with our race equity workshops and our “Youth Against Racial Injustice” group which offers friendships, unique experiences, field trips, and personal growth opportunities
  • How you can join us in Interrupting Racism for Children

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Thank you for joining us on our podcast as we use our collective voices to create a better world for all children.